RETHiNK Academy Support

Frequently Asked Questions

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How do I create a Facebook page?

How do I attract more friends & followers on Facebook?

How do I increase engagement with my posts and articles on Facebook?

Should I use hashtags on Facebook?

I need help running Facebook Ads!

Do I talk about the pain points in my advertising?

Should I use a video or image ad?

My ads are still being disapproved after trying multiple times?

What would be a good conversion on my ads?

Should I run the traffic ad or conversion ad first?

Which events should I run my conversion ads for?

How do I track the performance of my Facebook ads?

Can I spend more than the recommended £5 daily budget?

Can I set up an ad directly to an affiliate product?

Are ads more expensive during the Christmas period?

How to install your Facebook tracking pixel on your Blogger

What’s a good name for a pixel?

Can I delete my pixel?

What is the Facebook Business Manager?

How do I add new ad accounts?

Is there a Facebook group available specifically for people on the program?