RETHiNK Academy Support

Frequently Asked Questions

All CollectionsFACEBOOKWhat would be a good conversion on my ads?

A good conversion on your ads depends on your KPI’s (Key performance indicators).

For example, you may be paying a lot for your clicks/leads, although you have sufficient upsells in place further down your funnel where you recoup your advertising money.

Therefore, a cost per lead of $5 may be considered expensive for some, yet affordable for others.

With that being said, if you are just starting, we have some general guidelines you can follow so you know if your ads are doing well or not.

A Click Through Rate above 3% is good (number of people out of 100 that saw your ad and clicked on it. So if 3 out of 100 people click on your ad, that means your click through rate (or CTR) is 3%.

Your cost per click should be less than $1 or less.
Your cost per lead should be less than $3 or less.
The conversion on your opt-in page should be 20% or more.
The conversion on your immediate upsell should be $3 or more.
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