RETHiNK Academy Support

Frequently Asked Questions



Do I need a PO box?

URL shortener tools

Youtube: Is it legal to share a video?

LinkedIn: How to use the Search bar?

How do I build a list on LinkedIn?

What are PLR products?

Metrics document

How do I figure out the long-term value of my customers?

I’m not making any money yet?

Should I be outsourcing parts of my business?

How do I know if this is the right program for me?

What if I can’t get started right now?

How is the ReThink Social Media program different?

What is my likelihood of success with this program?

Is your help center support team really available 7 days per week and have a 97% satisfaction rating?

Can I still be successful with this program if I’m not very good with technology?

Does this program require me to be a public figure on social media?

Is there a money back guarantee?

What types of results are others getting from the Rethink Social Media Program?

Can I really be earning money from the program?

When will I start making money?