RETHiNK Academy Support

Frequently Asked Questions

All CollectionsADDITIONAL CONTENTHow do I build a list on LinkedIn?

Below you will find some useful tips about list building in LinkedIn:

  1. Create a Linkedin Account

  2. Add 10-15 Ideal Client Avatars (ICA's) everyday

  3. Post everyday minimum once preferable four or more times a day.

  4. Engage for 15 minutes with your ICA's posts everyday.

  5. Make one of your posts a video.

  6. Ask questions in your posts to encourage engagement.

  7. Have 1 of 5 posts add value around your lead magnets and put your landing page link in the post (in the comments section) so people can sign up to your list.

Generating traffic through LinkedIn can be an excellent source of further building your list and increasing the opt-ins to your product or service. 

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