In the age of digital communication - where everyone has a Facebook account, an email address and a mobile phone number - we have a platform to share our thoughts, views and opinions openly. Having a blog provides another method by which we can share our views and interests.
In relation to your online business, your blog is your direct communication channel which offers you free PR and marketing opportunities.
Blogger is an easy-to-use platform that allows you to share relevant and timely information with your readers. Furthermore, your blog works in a similar fashion to an online marketing resumé - it's a spotlight illuminating you as a professional, and highlights your authority as an expert in your field.
The more you establish yourself in your chosen niche, through the use of quality posts and articles, the more your customers and followers will trust you, and, in time, buy from you.
Finally, your blog is a great place to provide your readers with an insight into your business. Talk about your philosophy, ideas, products and services.
Your blog will provide all, if not most of the following:
- allows you to position yourself as an expert
- builds your credibility & presence in your chosen niche
- provides a free platform by which you can share ideas, opinions and information with the world
- supports you in building a list of subscribers
- generates income through advertising banners