RETHiNK Academy Support

Frequently Asked Questions

All CollectionsBLOGGERHow do I increase the number of views on my blog?

There are a number of ways to increase the traffic to your blog and in turn the number of views that you are having on your blog. 

Whilst having a large number of blog views is important in affirming your position as an expert, the primary goal is to drive traffic to your opt-in page. 

You can increase the amount of blog views you are getting in the following ways:

1. Post articles frequently - essentially the more you post, the more views your blog will acquire. Paul advises posting twice daily - a combination of text and video content - which can be increased to three or four times per day if required.

2. Share your articles - by sharing your articles on your Social Media platforms (Twitter, Facebook etc) you are increasing the level of exposure that each article will receive. This in turn will increase the number of views to your blog.

3. Add key words - ensure you add the maximum amount of key words to your posts - both text and video - to increase the inevitability that your posts will be optimized in search engines such as Google. For further information about adding key words, see the article here.

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